2 Negatives and 1 Positive Impact of Agriculture on Global Warming

Agriculture is a major part of what separates human society from its prehistoric past and has become a major influence on our daily lives. It's important that we evaluate existing structures in order to recognise their weaknesses so we can gain insight into potential solutions. In the case of agriculture we need to look at its impact on global warming through transport and methane emissions.


a trio of cows look down on a camera


Silent But Deadly

While it might be humorous to consider, cows and other livestock do significantly contribute to global warming through their emissions (that is farts). Methane is a gas which contributes to global warming through the greenhouse effect. As most of us are aware, the greenhouse effect is what happens when insulating gasses are trapped in the earth’s atmosphere. Gasses like methane will allow light to enter the planet, warming it up, but will prevent the heat from escaping and cause it to heat up. Because we have bred cows to be large, they eat more and are generally larger which means that they will be producing more methane than their earlier counterparts, making them a further detriment to our ecological survival.

a white and blue plane flies in a clear sky


In bygone days, everyone in a town/village had to be involved in producing food to live. This is no longer the case. Modern agriculture has advanced to the point that only 26% of the world population now works in agriculture. And this is why we now have computers, airplanes and medicine, etc. As a result, with modern food production becoming ever more efficient due to technological advances, it is natural to see a centralisation in where food is produced and then stored before being distributed globally, in many cases. Agriculture, as it is now, is leading to an increase in our foods’ air miles as produce needs to travel from the areas which have specialised in producing that kind of produce to other areas which have specialised in producing other goods/services. Agriculture contributes to global warming by causing an increased amount of transportation to be done which burns more fossil fuels and supplies the greenhouse effect.


a shot of central park in new york, a big green square is framed by the city surrounding it


Agricultural Land vs Heat Islands

Agriculture, like most human endeavors, has had a negative impact on global warming. But the news is not all bad! As most people who have visited or live in large cities can testify, it is much hotter there. This effect has come to be known as ‘Urban Heat Islands’ . This theory looks at the surface temperature of the land and has made a definite correlation between rising surface temperatures and the increase of urban areas. In-fact, deforestation also contributes to these rising surface temperatures. However, land deforested for agricultural purposes are the only areas which don't see net increases in surface temperature. This is good, as currently 70% of land in the UK is devoted to agriculture, a trend which continues worldwide.




ADL Success Stories – Dairy Cattle Farming with Annabella Baker

Education opens doors to success windows of opportunity and in at least one case, gates to new possibilities. Such is the case with ADL success story Annabella Baker.  Originally from Italy, but now living in the UK, Annabella faced a tragedy all too familiar to many when she lost her airline job during the Covid

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Horticulture – Learn the Basics: Three Problems for New Gardeners

Gardens are hard work.  Behind every immaculate lawn and carefully tended flowerbed is a never-ending struggle between nature and gardener. Of course simply leaving the garden to its own devices isn’t really an option; Untended, plants will grow freely for the whole of spring and summer and even into autumn. Worse yet, an uncared for

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Henry Hoover’s Broken Plug

Some stories of educational achievement soar into the heavens.  Of individuals who through hard work and toil overcame the challenges in their life to achieve. Certainly, at ADL we’ve seen and helped many individuals achieve their dreams through completing a course which helped them get a place at university or begin a new career. This,

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King Charles and the Grey Goo

If you’ve been in the UK over the past weekend you might have noticed you had a day off on Monday (or looked on enviously as other people had a day off).  The coronation of a new monarch in Charles the Third means a new era. One that the Monarch is especially keen does not

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Could You Be a Personal Trainer?

If you’re looking for a side business or career that combines a love for fitness and a mentoring role. personal training might be for you Personal training is at it’s heart all about being able to help people live healthier, happier lives.  By combining physical exercise with essential lifestyle changes like diet they help their

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