6 Habits of Successful Students

When you start a course of study, there can be many things that occur to you. A mixture of excitement, anticipation, optimism and determination may be among your feelings, together with being daunted by what is ahead.


Research shows that there are many study practices that enhance your learning experience, making your study time more effective and enjoyable.


  1. Enjoy your study time! This is an important part of that essential me-time. If you regard studying as a chore, perhaps thinking of former negative school experiences, then sooner or later, you will find an excuse not to do it. So look forward to your study times, and have fun with your subject.

  2. Set aside regular study times. Keep the same schedule from day-to-day. The amount of time needed for study will vary for each individual. It is far better to study more regularly for shorter periods of time, than to neglect your studies for weeks and then try to catch up with a long weekend session.

  3. Equip yourself. Your study area should contain everything you may need to complete your study e.g., pencils, pens, erasers, calculator, paper clips, stapler, dictionary, essential refreshments. etc. With your materials close by, you can study without interruption.

  4. Keep moving. Sitting still for a long period of time can create aches and pains and general restlessness. Make a rule of getting up every twenty minutes and doing some stretches or exercises. This will help to invigorate your mind as well as your body.

  5. Keep focused. Study time will be more fruitful if your mind is not distracted by mobiles ringing, social media intrusions, TV or radio. If you have voice mail, let it do its job during your study time. You can return the calls later.

  6. Flash those cards. Flash cards are a great study tool. On the front of the card write an important term, and on its back, a definition or an important fact about that term. Carry your flash cards with you. You can look at them during those unprofitable times such as on public transport, or waiting for appointments. This is a great way to memorise facts. You may be surprised how much you can accomplish in a short amount of time.

  7. Review what you learn frequently. It is possible to forget much of what has been learned if work is put aside for a period of time. So reviewing work already completed can be helpful. The first review should be done shortly following the first study session. Further reviews can be done regularly, and these will help you remember facts more easily. These will bring rewards at exam time and will also help to decrease any pre-exam anxiety.


If you make an effort to study effectively, these skills will soon become a habit and be just as natural as breathing. The results can be better marks, greater knowledge, and higher confidence and self-esteem – both in your personal and professional life. Why not take up a course in Education today?


By Ional Lister




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