Last month we announced the beginning of our new Student of the Year award. Since then, we’ve been receiving nominations and support on behalf of our many students from our tutors. We’re pleased to announce just in time for Christmas the final candidates and winners of our Student of the Year award.
We have had a fantastic turn out of nominations, and deciding on a winner was really difficult. We're thrilled to have seen so much progress from so many students this year and saddened that we can only honour a few in this way. That said, our winners for 2014 are:
Third Place: Hadiyyah Boolaky
A diligent student studying for an Advanced Diploma in Nutrition. Hadiyyah works full time, separate to combining her studies and work experience. Her dedication and progress to her course, and determination to go into University to further her knowledge in Nutrition despite an otherwise very busy life, impressed the judges sufficiently to award her third prize – a £25 Amazon voucher
Second Place: Remco Van Hees
Remco is studying an Advanced Diploma in horticulture and has been recognised as Second Place in our awards. He has been studying with ADL for 6 months now and shows a consistent willingness to engage with the material and his tutor, and his ability to take full advantage of the flexibility of his distance learning programme. Remco travels extensively taking his modules from country to country. He responds well to coursework feedback and continues to improve on it not matter the limited resources to him at times. Second Place wins him an Amazon Kindle eReader.
And The Winner Is: Helen Holden
A long term committed student of ADL. Helen received multiple nominations from her tutors across the diverse fields she has studied. Taking advantage of ADL’s unique build your own course facility, Helen has studied fields as diverse as Photography and Animal and Environmental Welfare across two Advanced Diploma Courses. She has totalled over 2000 hours of committed study. Helen is a young student with personal hurdles to combat which she has done consistently and with a focussed interest. She has shown sheer dedication in pushing herself and the boundaries to do the best she can in building her academic portfolio, demonstratively excelling in her subjects with "Outstanding Effort" and academic rigour. Helen strikes us as one who has the capacity to adopt academic principles readily and use them to maximum effect in an exemplary fashion. A very hard working student with immense capacity for distinctions and clear evidence of pure class in research skills
In recognition of this, ADL is proud to award Helen this year's title of Student of the Year and the top prize, a Kindle FireHD!
Runners Up
We received a great many nominations for candidates and making a final decision was difficult. As such, we are announcing two further runners up, both of whom will receive the prize of an Amazon book voucher.
Rebecca Campbell, studying an Advanced Diploma in Horticulture. For focus and dedication to her course.
Chanel Dankert , studying a Higher Advanced Diploma in Environmental Management. For excellence in the presentation and disposition of her work which demonstrates her progression through her studies clearly.
Honourable Mentions to:
Helen Forkin, Terese Ooosterbaan, Wissam Chamaa, Heather Horner, Jayne Rushworth, Karl O'Kill, Ryan Marriott, Juudit Alvarenga, Andrew Willis, Godfrey Pitlagano, Lorraine Yates, Emma Howard, Susan Sandbach, Alison Wellman, Hannah Coventry, Tim Piper, Jonathan Valks, Adam Fekete
A special thank you to all students nominated and mentioned for your dedication and hard work in 2014!