April Newsletter 4 2022: Here, there and everywhere!

Have a look at our newly added Logistics 100 Hour Certificate Course!


Understanding how the supply of goods, resources, and services within a business can enhance your end product, and increase productivity and profitability. This course can help enhance your knowledge of logistics and supply chain management.

When your business logistics and supply chain is managed effectively, your business operations and production will flow more smoothly. This is an essential business skill set for anyone who manages or runs a business.

Logistics refers to the coordination and processes involved in moving resources from one place to another. The resources can include materials, people, equipment, and inventory. There is often a mix of resources being moved.

Benefits Of This Course:

Learn and understand how the supply chain factors can affect the efficient operational procedures of any business.
The supply chain can help in the :

  • Expansion and sharpening of present skills and knowledge
  • Convey fresh insight to employees who have experience but lack formal training in supply management and logistics
  • Improve effectiveness within a business
  • Develop a better understanding of how to update and make the most of resources
  • Ensure customers get their ultimate product

Depending on the size of the business, and the scope of the product or service offerings, logistics can be a very complex process with specific departments created to manage it. Without appropriate resources and logistics management, challenges will appear.

For smaller businesses, unable to allocate a budget for logistics, a logistics manager (or the business owner) will need to oversee this process.

Canals and Life at the Margins

I am lucky to live in the NW of England, because I have many canals within easy reach. In many ways, I am spoiled for choice. So ingrained is the notion of having a canal nearby, that I raised an eyebrow this week reading an online forum where an American gentleman exclaimed marvel at even the notion of a canal network, and astonishment that people actually lived on quaint painted narrowboats.

Earlier this month, I was visiting Stroud in Gloucestershire, where over many years of development, wherever roads had crossed the canal in the the town centre, it had been removed and filled in. In recent years, this process is being reversed, and the Stroudwater Navigation is extending its green fingers back into the heart of the town. It must be said this comes at at a considerable cost; I heard rumour of about £1 million per lock. But as I sat in Stroud town centre on the sunny canal side, I mused that planners must have done the cost-benefit calculations and, even at that price, decided the revival of the canal would bring jobs, canalside bars and restaurants, apartments and cultural spaces, all of which will enrich the place for years to come.

The 2,000-mile network of canals provide a kind of alchemy at the margin where history, culture, landscape and nature meet. It struck me this was a permaculture principle in operation; “Use edges and value the marginal.” Look at any boundary in nature; a seashore, a woodland edge, a riverside; life proliferates there. Sometimes it is hard to believe canals were built for utilitarian, commercial reasons, such is their contemporary wildlife and leisure value (including fishing), especially for those living on canals where the sense of community is reputedly very strong. Canals are becoming a varied and significant cultural scene. The Canal & River Trust have a thriving arts programme, plus there are many theatre groups, and floating cinemas. There’s even a Canal Laureate; a poet appointed by the Poetry Society to write poems inspired by canal life.

Although it may be a surprise to some, a rudimentary canal system was first developed by the Romans, mainly for irrigation, although some were navigable. But it wasn’t until the industrial revolution that canals were engineered to match the increasing need for transportation, principally of coal, lumber and manufactured goods. There were immediate benefits to households of the new transport system, as well as to commerce: in Manchester, the cost of coal fell by 75% after the Bridgewater Canal was constructed.

After the First World War, the use of canals for transport began to decline and they fell into a sorry overgrown state during the 20th century. In 1944, LTC Rolt’s charming book Narrow Boat did a great deal to romanticise life on the canals. But by the 1960s, derelict canals had become a political issue and Barbara Castle’s 1968 Transport Act gave the first official recognition for the recreation value of waterways.

Like most marginal communities, canals are diverse but they are vulnerable and do need looking after. Canals can leak or fill up with sediment. If left unattended, the walls and towpaths collapse and after a period of only decades, canals revert back to damp ditches. After a century or so, a canal can be erased from the landscape in this way.

With increasing demand on ageing infrastructure, there is a call for professionals with nature conservation skills to maintain waterways, conserve wildlife and educate the public and canal users. Some of these people are employed by Wildlife Trusts, some by Local Authorities, and also the Canal & River Trust, in addition to private consultancy work. Studying with ADL online is an accessible way to upskill and load up your CV with courses in Ecology, Conservation, and Horticulture.

3 Benefits to Online Learning!

You can Study Anywhere

While not exactly a hidden benefit, the possibilities of where you can study are limitless. With internet access, you can be across the world, on a train or on your lunch break and still be studying. While we love Study Dens (here’s a handy guide) we also love that you can be anywhere, at any time, and have your course available to study.

redwood national park

Losing your Stuff is not the End of the World

We’ve all been there, an important piece of work/lesson just disappears and you can never find it again. Having it all online means that you will have a backup copy of your work/lesson somewhere in the internet-sphere and be able to access it again with the right help.

oops I accidently shredded my assignment

There’s Less Stuff to Worry About

If you’re in a limited space and don’t have room to create an amazing study den and keep boxes of stationery (we feel for you in this regard because stationery is amazing) the fact your entire course can be accessed and completed on something as small as a phone is very handy. Instead of carting around heavy books and files of notes, you have it all in the literal palm of your hand.

minimalist space




Christmas 2024 Opening Hours

Merry Christmas, here are the ADL opening hours for Christmas 2024: Monday 23rd December – 9am to 5pm Tuesday 24th December – CLOSED Christmas eve Wednesday 25th December – CLOSED Christmas DAY Thursday 26th December – CLOSED Boxing Day Friday 27th December – CLOSED Monday 30th December – 10am -4pm Tuesday 31st December – 10am

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At ADL we focus on helping you learn! You have the opportunity to interact one to one with our tutors, so you can approach learning in whatever way and speed that best suits you. This individual service not normally found at most colleges, contributes to successful learning. You decide how you wish to receive your

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Water Gardening Site Selection

Things to Consider When Selecting Your Water Garden Location Have you ever dreamed of building a Water Garden, but just didn’t know where to start?  ADL’s online certificate course in Water Gardeng provides the necessary knowledge and skills to help you get started. The first thing is to decide on the location of your water

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ADL Success Stories – Dairy Cattle Farming with Annabella Baker

Education opens doors to success windows of opportunity and in at least one case, gates to new possibilities. Such is the case with ADL success story Annabella Baker.  Originally from Italy, but now living in the UK, Annabella faced a tragedy all too familiar to many when she lost her airline job during the Covid

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