Freelancing Tips – Why You Need a Blog

Writing on the Internet has never been easier, but there’s a lot of competition out there.  That’s why, if you want to put your knowledge and skills to work online, your first step is to establish yourself as an authority on such things.  Social media tools like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter can help towards this, but one of the best ways to expression your knowledge on your subject of interest is to maintain a blog. 

Blogs are a bit like a combination of diary and personal journal.  You can make a blog about any subject you like from your hobbies to your professional work.  The key for making this work for you is to develop your blog into a useful resource for others.  For example, if you were making a blog about your baking hobby, you might share recipes on it or run articles talking about various techniques involved in making cakes.   

Overtime you would develop a backlog of content that both demonstrated your knowledge and capabilities and that established your authority of knowledge on the subject being discussed.  Even for professionals not intending to directly make money out of their writing, it still serves as an excellent way to demonstrate to potential business partners the length and breadth of your professional knowledge.  For example, if you wanted to start a kitchen company, then having a blog helps demonstrate your market knowledge, prior work designs and the justification behind them so you can show others just what you are capable of. 

There are further benefits to having a developed blog.  You’ll get plenty of practice writing article length pieces which will come in useful both as part of a portfolio to others and in developing your personal writing skills.  You might even decide to turn the contents of your blog into a published book when you have enough content. 

Getting started with blogging is really easy.  The two big blog software providers nowadays are Blogger and WordPress, though other versions exist and the choice of which to use is entirely up to you.  You can install the blogging software on your own website if you are savvy enough or alternatively get one set up for you.   Indeed, a blog makes for an ideal personal website for those with limited technical ability, allowing you to provide a professional standard of representation on the web with relatively little personal knowledge being required.

Whether your passion is children’s stories, farming or business getting a blog means getting your opinion out there.  




Christmas 2024 Opening Hours

Merry Christmas, here are the ADL opening hours for Christmas 2024: Monday 23rd December – 9am to 5pm Tuesday 24th December – CLOSED Christmas eve Wednesday 25th December – CLOSED Christmas DAY Thursday 26th December – CLOSED Boxing Day Friday 27th December – CLOSED Monday 30th December – 10am -4pm Tuesday 31st December – 10am

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At ADL we focus on helping you learn! You have the opportunity to interact one to one with our tutors, so you can approach learning in whatever way and speed that best suits you. This individual service not normally found at most colleges, contributes to successful learning. You decide how you wish to receive your

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Water Gardening Site Selection

Things to Consider When Selecting Your Water Garden Location Have you ever dreamed of building a Water Garden, but just didn’t know where to start?  ADL’s online certificate course in Water Gardeng provides the necessary knowledge and skills to help you get started. The first thing is to decide on the location of your water

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ADL Success Stories – Dairy Cattle Farming with Annabella Baker

Education opens doors to success windows of opportunity and in at least one case, gates to new possibilities. Such is the case with ADL success story Annabella Baker.  Originally from Italy, but now living in the UK, Annabella faced a tragedy all too familiar to many when she lost her airline job during the Covid

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