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Mechanics (Machines)
Mechanics (Understanding and Working with Machines) 100 Hours Certificate Course
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Learn About Mechanics (Machines)
Mechanics Course Online: Learn the mechanics behind the maintenance and repair of machinery. This distance learning course is not only relevant to cars. It is relevant to any machine with an engine or a motor, including those found in the home. Gain an understanding of how machines work, so that you can undertake servicing and repair jobs yourself.
This is an ideal course for DIY Enthusiasts and a great foundation programme for apprentices either working in or wanting to work in the service and repair of cars, farm machinery, home appliances, lawn mowers and many others.
Machines have become so much a part of modern life that we can easily take them for granted. Most people don’t even give a second thought to how the machines they use are functioning; that is until they stop functioning.
Learning more about mechanics can enable you to do so much more with machines though, from using them more appropriately and safely to maintaining and repairing them when required. Some machinery is relatively simple and easier to learn about, but other machines can be much more complex and will require far more learning and experience to properly understand.
This course is the cornerstone for understanding and working with all machines, each lesson building upon what you learnt in the previous ones, gradually expanding your awareness and understanding of how and where engines can be used to power machines, and how different types of machines function.
Lesson Structure: Mechanics (Understanding and Working With Machines)Â BSS102
1Â Introductory Mechanics
- Introduction
- Power Sources
- Engines
- Steam Engines
- Petrol Engine
- How an Engine Works
- The Operating Cycle
- Stages in a Four Stroke Spark Ignition Engine Cycle
- Stages in a Two Stroke Spark Ignition Engine Cycle
- Electric Motors
- Parts of an Electric Motor
- Types of Electric Motors
- Comparison of Electric and Petrol Engines
- Applied Tasks: Changing a Wheel, Mending a Puncture
2Â Engine Features
- Measurements and Mechanical Principles: Force, Load, Pressure, Relationships in Pressure Measurements, Absolute Pressure, Force of Gravity, Centre of Gravity, Specific Gravity (Specific Weight), Density, Volumetric Efficiency, Vacuum, Work, Power, Energy, Bore, Piston Displacement, Compression Ratio (CR)
- How to Convert Imperial Measurements into Metric
- Engine Efficiency: How Does an Engine lose Power?
- Features of Electric Motors
- Applied Tasks: Spark Plugs, Checking for fouling and damage/ reading the spark plug
3Â Machines and their Parts
- Parts of a Machine: Engine Systems, Lubrication System, Transmission System, Cooling System, Fuel System, Transmission System, Gearbox (transmission), Clutch (torque converter), Differential, Prop shaft/ drive shaft
- Power Source and Ignition: The Ignition System, Distributor, Coil pack
- Other Machines: Outdoor Multi Tools, Domestic Maintenance Equipment, Kitchen Equipment
4Â Drive Mechanisms
- Introduction
- Cog Drive Machinery
- Belt Drive Machinery
- Transmission Drive Machinery
- The Transmission System
- Applied Tasks: Replacing Drive Belts
5Â Managing Machinery Deterioration
- The Lubrication System
- The Cooling System
- Lubrication: Oil Viscosity, Delivering the Lubricant, Splash System, Pressure System, Combination Pressure and Splash
- Types of Lubrication Pumps
- Types of Filter Systems
- Materials Deterioation
- Metals – Ferrous: (Iron) Materials, Steels, Heat Treatments, Aluminium, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Tin, Nickel
- Non-Ferrous Alloys: Brass, Bronze, White Metal, Solder
- Seals
- Servicing Filters: Air Filters, Oil filters, Fuel Filters
- Servicing the Filters: Air Filters
6Â Optimizing Machine Operation (Getting the most from Machines)
- Introduction: Adjustments, Controlling Power, Carburettors (for petrol engines), Types of Carburettors, How a Carburettor Controls the Fuel Mix, Number of Barrels
- Lubrication
- Exhaust Systems: Catalytic Converter, Muffler, Extractors
- Turbochargers: Intercooling, Wastegate, Blow off valves, Twin vs single turbo, Boost controller
- Superchargers: Temperature effects
- Applied Tasks: Servicing a Carburettor
7Â Brake Systems
- Introduction
- Drum vs Disc Brakes
- Drum Brakes and Shoe (Pad)
- Disc Brakes
- Brake Systems –Pneumatic
- Hydraulic and Electric Brakes
- ABS (Anti-lock Brake System)
- Regenerative braking
- Applied Tasks: Servicing Brakes, Jacking up the vehicle to change or service brakes, Changing Disk Brakes, Changing Drum Brakes, Motorcycle Brakes, Push Bike Brakes
8Â The Machine Workshop
- Introduction
- Tool Maintenance
- Work Bench
- Vices and Clamps
- Lifts, Ramps, Jacks, Ladders
- Tightening Pullers
- Pulleys
- Winches
- Generators, Battery Chargers
- Cleaning Equipment
- Grinders, Sharpening Equipment
- Work Pits and Hoists
- Measuring Equipment
- Spanners and Allen Keys
- How to Use Spanners
- Pliers and Grips
- Screwdrivers
- Files
- Cutting Equipment
- Hammers, Chisels and Punches
- Tap and Die Cutters
- Lubrication Equipment
- Drills
- Saws
- Soldering
- Welding: Oxy-fuel welding, Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), Gas metal arc welding (GMAW), Flux-cored arc welding (FCAW), Submerged arc welding (SAW), Electroslag welding (ESW), Electric resistance welding (ERW)
9Â Machine Maintenance and Repair
- Introduction
- Servicing a Typical Motor Car
- Inspect Oil levels/Engine/transmission – Change oil filter, fuel filter
- Changing spark plugs/ cleaning / gapping resizing /Installing
- Inspect Coolant levels
- Inspect tyre pressure/tread condition (should be done regularly if not every 6 months)
- Change Fuel Filter
- Check brakes – brake fluid
- Wheel Alignment
- Power steering fluid
- Electrics – indicators, brake lights, headlights, windscreen wipers and fluid, hazard lights, horn
- Replacing light bulbs
- Servicing Garden Equipment
- Oil
- Dirty Spark Plugs
- Mowers
- Changing Mower Blades
- Chainsaws
- Outdoor Electric Machines
- Treating Rust
- Painting Metal
Learning Goals: Mechanics (Understanding and Working With Machines)Â BSS102
- Explain how different types of engines and motors work.
- Describe the features that differentiate the quality and work capacity of engines; one from another.
- Describe the scope and nature of components of a machine.
- Explain different ways of converting the movement of energy to perform useful work tasks.
- Describe how machinery can deteriorate over time, and responses to both prevent and repair deterioration.
- Explain how engines and motors have their power output regulated.
- Explain the mechanisms used to slow or stop any form of motion by applying force.
- Describe machinery workshop tools and equipment, and explain their safe and appropriate use in maintaining and repairing machinery.
- Describe some routine machine maintenance and repair tasks.
Any piece of metal, regardless of how smooth and polished it may look to the sight or touch, is covered with tiny irregularities and projections. When two highly polished metal surfaces are brought together, and one forced to slide over the other, the projections grip each other, causing resistance to the sliding.
This resistance is called FRICTION. Friction results in wear of the metals. The amount of friction depends on the type of material, amount of pressure and the nature of the surfaces.
Lubrication reduces friction, and this occurs when some substance, either liquid or solid is put between two rubbing surfaces. Lubrication also reduces wear and heat that would otherwise occur. The lubrication system must distribute the lubricant so that at no instance is there metal to metal contact in any moving parts.
There are different types of lubrication systems, for different types and sized engines, e.g. the splash feed system (see diagram below) and the force feed system. Although the lubricant acts as a coolant, some sort of cooling system is also necessary in an engine (cooling methods are discussed in the following section).
Oil contamination can occur so it is necessary to change the oil regularly, after a certain number of operating hours. Moisture contamination can occur in an engine due to condensation and also as a result (by-product) of the cooling process itself. Dirt may enter through the air intake of the engine, so it is important to regularly change or maintain the air filter. Tractors, particularly, operate in very dirty environments and for this reason they are fitted with a special mechanism called an oil bath air cleaner. Carbon and soot by products also cause oil contamination.
The Cooling System
When a motor or engine is operating it produces a significant amount of heat. To prevent damage to the engine it is necessary to keep the engine at a correct temperature. Operating an engine at overly high temperatures causes structural damage to engine components, and overly cool operating temperatures mean the fuel will not vaporise properly. The two main methods for cooling engines are air cooling and water cooling.
Air cooling is mainly used in small engines (single cylinder) or for machinery like potato harvesters, lawn mowers and elevators. A blast of air is directed on the cylinder and cylinder head, both of which are finned (see diagram below). These fins increase the surface area of the cylinder and provide a larger surface area through which the heat can spread. Air cooled systems are simple and reliable, but are less efficient than water cooled systems as air has a lower heat capacity, so more air is needed to produce the same effect as water. Over-heating can occur if the fins become blocked with dirt, as this reduces the surface area to be cooled.
Water cooling is more effective for use in multi-cylinder engines. The engine cylinders are completely surrounded with a water jacket. The water extends to the cylinder head where there is an outlet to the radiator. There is another outlet at the bottom of the radiator connecting back to the water jacket surrounding the cylinders. Water flows around this system.
The radiator is composed of a head tank and a bottom tank. Between these there are a lot of thin tubes and metal plates that greatly increase the surface area to be cooled. This is the core of the radiator. Behind the radiator core there is a fan that operates via a pulley system connected to the crank shaft of the engine. This fan blows cool air onto the radiator. The cooled air circulates back through the engine.
Assessment is based on a combination of completing all assignments and sitting for a final short one and a half hour exam, in your own location.
If you don’t cope well with exams then you may elect to undertake a project instead. This is a popular option.
In addition, most modules have a Set Task at the end of each lesson placed before the assignment. This is an opportunity to undertake practical work to help you acquire knowledge and skills and practical experience. This ADL feature is an added bonus not found at most online schools. Set Tasks are not required for assessment.Â
Some courses also have optional Self-Tests which are available on our online learning platform. These are not available by correspondence or by USB, and do not form part of your overall grade.
- Choose Your Learning Method
You choose how you would like to receive your course material, i.e., Online, USB or Correspondence. The choice is yours. You may also work on online or offline. - Tutor Allocation
Every student is assigned their own dedicated tutor who is an expert in their subject area. They provide as much or as little individual contact as you require. You can contact your tutor whenever you need – your hours are not limited. - Feedback and Assignments
Tutor Feedback is an essential component in helping you understand the subject matter. Tutor feedback is given in the form of notes written on the assignment. We encourage you to contact your Tutor where help with clarification and understanding of course material may be required.
Your assignments are located at the end of each lesson. You submit them for marking whenever you are ready. There is no time limit.  - Set Tasks and Self-Tests
Most modules have a Set Task at the end of each lesson before for the assignment. This is where you get the opportunity to undertake practical work to help you acquire knowledge, skills and practical experience. Many modules also have short Self-Tests. - Exams
Once all assignments have been completed you may then elect to sit for a one and half hour exam in your own location. If you prefer not to take the exam you do have the option to undertake a project instead.
Once the exam or project part of the course is completed, your Certificate is then processed. Please allow approximately 4 weeks for this. - Design Your Own Qualification
ADL offers students the flexibility to self-design their own qualification – bundling together a combination of 100-hour modules into a qualification higher than a certificate.
Here is a list of the most often asked FAQ’s.
Q. Why should I enrol with the Academy for Distance Learning?
A. Here at ADL, our students are our priority – we treat everyone as a unique individual.
Q. Do I need to buy text books?
A. No, as each module has been written by highly qualified industry professionals. The content of the material is presented in such a way that text books are not required. However, if you require additional reading your tutor will be able to supply a list.
Q. What happens if I have to stop studying for a while? (eg. become sick, go on holidays, have a baby, move house, etc)
A. It’s OK to take a break and start up your study at a later point in time. Just let us know.
Q. Is there an age limit?
A. There is no maximum age limit. We do however, have a minimum age limit of 18 years. Below that age parental consent would be required.
Q. Are your courses up-to date?
A. Our courses are revised and updated on a rotation system.
Q. Do you have a Cancellation policy?
A. Yes. We have a cancellation policy that is fair and equitable. For further details please click here.
Q. Will I have any opportunity to engage with other students?
A. We have a Student Community group based on facebook! If you don’t have a facebook account already, you could make one just for talking with fellow students on the group.
Q. When can I enrol/start?
A. You may enrol and start at any time of the year – it’s all self- paced.
Q. Can I study from anywhere in the world?
A. Our courses are available to anyone, anywhere in the world from the comfort of your own home. The course content is relevant to any country, culture or economy.
Q. How long do I have to complete the course?
A. You complete the course at any time that is convenient for you.
Q. Completing a 100 hour module – how long will it take?
A. For some students a 100 hour module will take approximately to 3- 6 months to complete. Others take less time and some even longer.
Q. Assessment – how does it work?
A. For each 100 hour module you are assessed by assignments (at the end of each lesson) and a final one and a half hour exam (or you may elect to complete a Project, instead of sitting the exam) – the choice is yours – you sit for the exam in your own location.
Q. I don’t cope well with exams – what can I do?
A. You may elect to undertake a Project (set by your tutor) instead of sitting the exam. Projects are completed from your home and can usually take a couple of weeks to complete.
Q. If my assignment is not up to standard is there an opportunity to resubmit my work?
A. Yes –
Q. How many assignments do I need to complete for each module?
A. At the end of each lesson, there is an assignment – so if a course has say, 10 lessons, there would be 10 assignments.
Q. I am having difficulty attending workshops/industry meetings, what can be done?
A. If your course requires attendance at workshops, conferences, or industry meetings; alternative arrangements can be made in your country.
Q. What qualification will I receive?
A. For individual modules, you would be awarded a Certificate endorsed by TQUK (Training Qualifications, UK), providing you complete all assignments and the exam. If you just want to complete only the assignments and not sit for the exam or finish a Project, then a Letter of Achievement would be awarded. For more details on qualifications available please click here.
Q. Can I customize my diploma/higher qualification?
A. Not all educational institution’s certificates /diplomas meet everyone’s needs. The opportunity to Design Your Own Diploma at the Academy (subject to our approval) is an added bonus, not found at other colleges. You choose modules that you think will help you in achieving your goal.
Q. What do I get when I complete the course? Will I receive a transcript?
A. At the completion of all courses and providing all assignments and exam requirements have been met, you will receive your Award and a Transcript.
Q. Our tutors – who are they?
A. We appoint Tutors and require that they must be currently active in their industry, with at least 5 years’ experience in their chosen profession.
Q. Can I contact my tutor at any time?
A. Yes – you have unlimited access to your tutor via email through our Online Classroom. You can always leave a message with ADL requesting your tutor to contact you. You decide on how much or how little contact you wish to have.
Q. Practical work – How is this done?
A. To find out more about this part of the course please visit the section on How Our Courses Work here.
What your tuition fees include
- All Course Material via Online, USB or Correspondence
- Assignments Marked
- Professional Tutor Feedback
- Set Tasks - Practical Exercises to help you develop skills
- Self-Tests – multiple choice questions at the end of lessons in most modules
- Unlimited Personal Tutor Support – via our student classroom
- Committed and Friendly Admin Support – vital to your success
- All ADL Exam or Project fees (exception RHS exams)
- Qualification Certificate
- Official Transcript with assignment grades
- Student Manual
- Academic Writing course (optional - 10 hours only)
- Critical Thinking course (optional - 10 hours only)
- Job Seekers Careers Guide
- Study Tips on How To Study Better
- Career Counselling by ADL Staff
- CV Writing Help, Tips and Advice