Ecologically minded people today are always looking to find a way to reduce their impact on the environment. With the increase in freak weather events and the problem of global warming, governments are lining up across the globe to promise that yes, they will do something. Sadly, as we've all come to realise, our global leaders are, by and large, about as much use as a chocolate teapot when it comes to serious action to protect the planet.
According to research on the World Bank website, the United Kingdom generated 7.9 metric tonnes of carbon into the air. In hippos that's roughly 5 adult males' worth. Meanwhile across the Atlantic, for every American citizen the USA generates 17.9 metric tonnes, or roughly 27 Hippopotamuses for every resident in the country. Now, if you have 27 hippos worth of carbon being generated for each of the 313.9 million citizens in America (according to the United States 2012 Census Bureau figures), you are looking at eight billion, four hundred and seventy five million, three hundred thousand (8475300000) hippos worth of carbon being released into the air every year.
Fortunately for mother earth, increasing numbers of people are agreeing to do their part to minimise their carbon footprint. Self sufficiency is very much the name of the game, with increasing numbers of economically aware individuals all of who are trying to do their bit for the planet. There are, ofcourse, huge numbers of minor things we can all do to save energy and recourses. We can:
- Recycle our used goods and packaging
- Reduce our energy use by buying more efficient appliances and turning them off when not in use.
- Avoid expensive foreign holidays by polluting aircraft
- Buy local produce where available to cut down on the carbon footprint of food travelled in from abroad
But increasing numbers of individuals want to go a step further. By learning about self-sufficiency they can learn all about ways to make the most of nature to enable them to live affordably and in harmony with the environment. One might, for example, look to reduce their dependance on supermarkets by growing their own fruit and vegetables or keeping livestock of their own. Another option is permaculture – desinging your garden and home so that the plants and animals and people living within them exist in a sustainable microcosm.
At ADL we already offer a wide range of courses about how best to grow things and even a collection of permaculture distance learning courses that help you specialize in this fascinating discipline. But if you want a solid introduction to how you can become more self-sufficient, consider our online self-sufficiency course. Across ten concise explanatory lessons you'll learn all the essentials you need to know to reduce your dependence no outside sources. From construction techniques to energy generation and essential agriculture and craft skills, you'll gain a solid grounding in those skills you need to become truly independent.
Help yourself and the planet at the same time. Become self-sufficient with ADL.