Science & Technology Courses

Science And Technology Courses Online

The Academy For Distance Learning offers a wide range of Science and Technology Online Courses. Call ADL to discuss our distance learning courses listed in this discipline.

The Age of Enlightenment, beginning in the 17th century, can often be seen as the birthplace of modern science. It was during this age that early thinkers, such as Isaac Newton and John Locke, began to turn away from superstition and embrace the idea that the world could be understood and tamed, and that the ancient wisdom of the Greeks and Romans could be superseded by newer, and better ideas.

The thoughts and philosophies that the era would birth would bring about huge and permanent changes to the established order, as old regimes were swept away and new forms of government and economies took their place. For perhaps the first time in human history, Science came to the forefront of the minds of the great thinkers of the age, ever looking to make new discoveries that would advance humanity further.

The fruits of this new technological age would change the world forever. New medicines put an end to diseases that had scourged people for centuries, like Polio and Small Pox. Industrialisation meant that one person could do the work of twenty, while rail road and steam ships shrank the world and made travel possible.

To say everything improved would be wrong. New theories were used to justify atrocities, while new technology made killing easier than ever. But it was never the Science that was evil, only its application.

Science, and technology, remain the cornerstone of our modern world today. To study either is to understand how and why the world works the way it does. With a course from ADL you too can begin to understand the world.

Science & Technology Qualification: If you are interested in human anatomy, our Anatomy and Physiology (Human Biology IA) course is a good place to start. It is part of a nine module course, Pre-Medical Programme.

Careers in Science & Technology: If you would like to work in this field, our Higher Advanced Diploma in Applied Animal Science may help you.

Learn about Science & Technology: If you have a keen interest in this subject, perhaps our Genetics course will sate some of your hunger for knowledge.

Already working in Science & Technology and need Professional Development? If you are currently working within this field, but, need to add to your Professional Development portfolio, perhaps our Statistics course can help you.

Can’t find a qualification to suit your needs? Why not speak with one of our Academic Course Advisers for FREE advice on +44 (0)1227 789 649? or email:

Our online home study courses may be studied for vocational purposes, self-enrichment (hobby) or for serious study leading to higher qualifications. You’ll receive unlimited tutor and admin support and be able to start at any time.

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