A few months back we caught up with what other ADL tutors get up to. From pumping iron, to blogging about medieval sheep to facing down mighty elephants one on one. ADL’s staff, students and tutors are a diverse bunch coming from all walks of life and all corners of the earth and today, it is to Bulgaria that news reaches us of the doings of our tutor Juliette Harris who tutors a range of our biological science courses and modules such as those in our pre-medical diploma.
With a degree in biology, Juliette has had a world ranging career, frequently travelling between Central America and England teaching and developing her own knowledge and experience. She has worked as a teacher, exam coach and private tutor with a special interest in genetics and cellular biology.
In 2008 Juliette moved to a village in Bulgaria to work as a missionary where she met her husband Stefan and started a family which already numbers two girls with a third child expected in the new year. Despite the challenges every parent faces with a young family Juliette continues to work towards her goal of building a Christian retreat with the goal of providing training for church plants amongst Turkish speaking gypsies in the country.
She also aspires to offer a place for those seeking to understand their real unique identity. For those asking why God made them as they are, what their purpose in life is and what their mission it meant to be.
To fund this, Juliette and Stefan have begun a family business exporting wild walnuts, raw honey and other Bulgarian delicacies. All the while she continues to offer her services and expertise to ADL’s varied student base providing her expert insight on biological science.
Of her experiences working with ADL, Juliette said: “I have loved working for ADL, as it’s ery rewarding to see students improve and develop throughout their courses, and to have one to one teaching. I think it’s amazing that students have unlimited access to their tutors. I love the biological sciences, and really enjoy teaching people and helping them explore the wonder of creation!”